How to Maintain My Fiberglass Pool (Video 3 of 5) - Pool Chemistry

Welcome to our third video in our Orientation Series- How to Maintain My Fiberglass Pool! Today we'll be talking about pool chemistry and we will go over all of the chemicals you will be using for your pool, what they do, and how often to apply them. We also go over the salt chlorine generator. You may have some fond memories of high school chemistry classes. We had a little fun with this one! Join us in our next video where we'll be talking about the control panel!

This video answers questions like...

click the link below to read our article: "The Basics of Testing Your Inground Pool's Water Chemistry"

click the link below to read our article: "What is a Saltwater Pool? Chemistry, Lifespan, Cost, & More"

How do I test my pool water?
How often should I test my pool water?
What do I need to test for?
Why do I need to pay attention to my chlorine reading?
What does balanced pool water mean?
What is an SI reading?
Do I have a chlorine pool?
What is the difference between a salt water pool and a chlorine pool?
What is the sanitizing agent for my pool water?
How do I maintain my pH at the proper level?
What comes first alkalinity or pH or chlorine?
How do I adjust my alkalinity?
How many gallons does my pool hold?
Is alkalinity a buffer for my pH?
What is sodium bicarbonate?
What is muriatic acid?
What is liquid acid?
What is sodium bisulfate?
What is dry acid?
What is alkalinity plus?
What is alkalinity minus?
What is pH for my pool?
What is 7 on the pH scale?
What is the recommended pH to keep my pool at?
What do I do if my pH needs to be increased?
Where do I want to maintain my chlorine?
How often do I need to check my chlorine levels?
What level should I maintain my salt at?
How do I bring my chlorine level down?
What should I do with my chlorine if I have a lot of people swimming in my pool at once?
What is cyanuric acid and where should it be maintained?